
3 Reasons to Use a Dog Boarding Facility While on Vacation

 Are you currently making plans for a holiday vacation? Have you decided what to do about your dog while you're gone? If you're like many people, you're probably thinking about asking a friend or a relative to watch your canine companion while you're away. While this can work in a pinch, it is not necessarily the best option. Instead, you should consider looking for a facility to board your dog. There are a number of advantages to taking this route, some of which include: Read More 

Getting A Puppy

If you are looking for a new dog for your family, then you want to have a clear picture of how you are going to find the right puppy, get the puppy set up at your house and take care of all of its needs. If this is your first puppy in a long time, then you may not be up to date on your puppy protocol, and this is where this article can help. Read More 

Three Reasons To Visit Your Vet’s Office To Learn How to Cut Your Rabbit’s Nails

When you get a new rabbit, you and your family will be excited to rub its soft fur, feed it fresh veggies, and watch it hop around your home. You'll always want to schedule a visit with a local veterinarian — in particular, one that specializes in small animals — so that the vet can give the animal a thorough health evaluation. While you're there, you'll have the option of having the veterinarian or a vet technician cut your pet's nails for you. Read More 

Protecting Cats And Kittens From Hookworm

Anybody with a cat knows that they love spending time outside. However, they may be exposed to a danger that few understand: hookworm. This infectious parasite is a particular problem for cats with kittens. Any cat exposed to one needs to see a veterinarian right away. However, creating small boots for the cat can help protect it from this danger. Letting Cats Out Exposes Them To Hookworm Hookworms get into a cat's system in a rather roundabout way. Read More 

3 Tools You Need To Protect Your Dog If They Go Missing

No one ever expects their beloved canine to run away or go missing, but it happens everyday to heartbroken families everywhere. If you are lucky, your dog will return on its own or be found by a neighbor if they ever go missing, but you don't want to take that chance. Here are 3 tools you need to protect your dog so, if they do run off or somehow lose their way home, you can keep them safe from afar. Read More